Can also be referred to as 'genfic', short for general fiction, wholly non-romantic in nature.
It initially published general fiction and non-fiction, but not westerns, light romances or children's books.
The aisles are packed with politics, arts and general fiction, and staff really know their stuff.
Howsomever, I might crack the high word rates on general fiction at the same time.
A novel that is simply good general fiction, with no particular category, will have a much more difficult time finding a publisher.
While he browsed the photography section, she headed for the romance novels and general fiction.
Haines also writes darker crime novels and general fiction.
Since then Anand has also written general fiction and historical fiction novels.
E-book editions of most newly released adult general fiction and nonfiction will cost $12.99 to $14.99.
Amazon announced that for the 2010 competition they awarding grand prizes in two categories, young adult and general fiction.