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But I act as general dogsbody, carry books, go fetch, good boy, that kind of thing.
You're his general dogsbody until this is over.
I got myself a job as typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine we thought was being financed from Moscow.
Yes but where does general dogsbody lead?
I said you're the general dogsbody!
General dogsbody more like it!
Still playing stable-hand and general dogsbody.
It became the general dogsbody of the Brigade being the principle rank that kept the Fire Service operationally ready.
Nic was invited to join the station as a general dogsbody, but learnt a lot and soon progressed to presenting shows.
'And general dogsbody.'
She defines her responsibilities as "peacekeeper, general dogsbody and keeper of all knowledge of where people have to be and where their belongings are".
He was private secretary and general dogsbody - lugging bags, teapots, hot water bottles, teddy bears and nursing Rutherford through periods of depression.
Afterwards, rejected by the drama school at Prague University, he became a stagehand and general dogsbody at the Theatre on the Balustrade.
She trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, then, aged 18, joined the Royal Court Theatre as a general dogsbody.
Evidently, I was now considered the general dogsbody of the establishment; I was escorted to Mrs. Martin's room and desired to pack her things.
As far as her mom was concerned, Wren was a researcher and general dogsbody for Sergei, who was merely an eccentric but well-off gallery owner.
Jack, my darling," Lady Anne said, as they came up to the men, "You are to act as Sherrie's escort, dinner companion, and general dogsbody this evening."
Bonhomme's flying career started in 1980 at White Waltham Airfield as a general dogsbody by cleaning hangars, polishing aircraft and refuelling aircraft.
The son of a local butcher and initially Lovejoy's paying trainee, he quickly becomes Lovejoy's younger, enthusiastic but ever so slightly dim assistant often acting as a general dogsbody.
She'd never married, because after their parents had died suddenly, Gregor had needed her services as assistant, secretary, and general dogsbody while he was holding the Family together and making it great again.
He is first shown in 2079, with a robot receptionist, cleaner and general dogsbody, Ilda (Robot F2324), bought from the 'Super-Secretary Robot Factory'.
A thief could be transported to work in someone's fields, could be sent to work as a general dogsbody for the Guard, could be left in gaol, could get lashes-it all depended on the judge.
Romy, Tico and Rigadon went with Willy on the voyage again and were joined by Professor Lidenbrock - an expert in archeology and Hans - an Icelandic who acted as a general dogsbody.
Sabrina Falks, Australia's most famous television actress (think Kylie pre-pop comeback), is planning her wedding to city broker Edward, and she hires her younger sister Mimi (Dannii but fatter) as her bridesmaid and general dogsbody.
In October 1957 he became an assistant stage manager, theatre painter and general dogsbody to John Bury, the theatre designer, and he went on stage in his first professional role as the Queen's Messenger in the then in-rehearsal production of Macbeth.