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But my basic job would be kind of a dogsbody for everybody.
But I act as general dogsbody, carry books, go fetch, good boy, that kind of thing.
You're his general dogsbody until this is over.
Cameron began as an office dogsbody with Weekly News in 1935.
Each generation acts as the dogsbody to his respective Blackadder.
Began working at LP in 2001 as the marketing dogsbody.
He was offered the post of "general editorial dogsbody, which was exactly what I had been looking for".
She was evidently their dogsbody, used for tasks which no one else was prepared to take on.
I got myself a job as typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine we thought was being financed from Moscow.
He is blackmailing the hotel's dogsbody, Mark, with incriminating photos.
I got as far as some dogsbody, who told me he'd pass my message on.'
It was then Benson moved in here as Daddy's valet and dogsbody.
I worry about you, but I can't stay and be your dogsbody."
I suppose I'm a sort of kennel-maid - dogsbody.
A message boy and a bloodhound and a dogsbody.
These letters gave rise to his radio call-sign "Dogsbody".
However, at its first reading, the Council transforms this category into the ultimate dogsbody, cutting it to levels below the 1998 budget.
I said you're the general dogsbody!
Prior was Flamen's manager, agent, chief confidant and universal dogsbody.
Just call us Dogsbody for short.
He was some sort of dogsbody with the Home Guard, and they kept sending him from council to council.
"Any luck with the Clans office, or have you been too busy playing dogsbody for Fiona?"
It was true that Its dogsbody hadn't been able to kill the librarian, but the librarian would die in the hospital.
I was just an assistant, a dogsbody."
Johnson, forgetting to calmly report the number, type and position of the enemy, shouted, "Look out Dogsbody!"