Several note its slow start and general disorganization: "[I]t teases us with the feeling that Leigh had a basic plan for the picture and never realized it" (Stanley Kauffmann, the New Republic ).
Due to lack of funds and general disorganization the team was assembled the last minute.
The Western Cemetery is known for a large number of grave desecrations and general disorganization; for example, from July 1, 1988 to August 1, 1989, an estimated 1,942 tombs were desecrated.
Because of a lack of horses, as well as general disorganization, Maximilian's forces would not reach Padua until September, giving Pitigliano the time to concentrate such troops as were still available to him in the city.
A primary reason for their influence, or strength, was that, in the midst of the general disorganization in revolutionary Paris and in the provinces, they alone were organised.
Soviet losses, Chinese aid, raids and theft from arms depots provide better weapons to some, but a general disorganization between tribal factions results in lapses in tactics, causing a significant weakness in operational and strategic thinking.
Sabis replaced three principals, known as directors, in the first year, and several teachers described a general disorganization that included the last-minute tests faxed from Abu Dhabi.
There was general disorganization.
Variety magazine called it a "half-klutzy, half-engaging eccentric comedy...bolstered by good turns from leads Rachel Griffiths and Jonathan Pryce" but "falling prey to a general disorganization in tone and structure.
Some of the hallmarks of adult ADHD include forgetfulness, distractibility, chronic lateness, and general disorganization.