Legislation is democratically opened to the general citizenry, employing their collective wisdom to benefit the decision-making process and improve democracy.
Catalan was the language of the royal court, and Sicilian was the language of the parliament and the general citizenry.
It would only take ten or twenty such instances for the general citizenry to feel relieved that these troublemakers were gone.
The objective of cultural democratization is the aesthetic enlightenment, enhanced dignity, and educational development of the general citizenry.
But a sampling of legislative opinions suggests that confusion is not limited to the general citizenry.
Popularity among the general Saudi citizenry.
The legislative branch of the federal government, the national political parties, and the general citizenry participate in its composition.
Legislation can be open to the general citizenry through open source governance, allowing policy development to benefit from the collected wisdom of the people as a whole.
The report struck a chord of response from educators and elected officials as well as the general citizenry in its call for change in American education.
The general citizenry of both parties, however, accepted the results.