Nevertheless, the circle widened and a shout came for a general charge.
I hear a dozen people have been rounded up on general charges and are being held incommunicado in a government depot until the air clears.
The most general and common charge was "participation in a pan-Estonian secret communist organisation".
He continued also to teach physics until 1839, when he was given general charge of the student body.
He was also convicted of official oppression, a general charge incorporating elements of the other violations.
Floating-charge debentures are secured by a general charge on all the assets of the company.
Will these men, now held on general charges, be released once the world's attention moves on from South Asia?
The suit accuses the union of specific wrongdoing in the case, but at the same time, makes more general charges about systemic failures.
As you do, I will send the other legions in a general charge.
Stay in general charge of the whole assignment.