As with much early Irish literature, the digressive onomastic and genealogical material is of great value.
The library houses a renowned trove of local archives and genealogical materials, in addition to its collection of standard publications.
As the College is also the official repository of genealogical materials such as pedigree charts and family trees.
Many patrons visit for its genealogical and historical materials.
The museum also has an extensive archival collection of local genealogical historical material, including photographs, diaries, wills, legal papers, vital statistics, maps and more.
For locating genealogical materials in the Library's online catalog.
The museum is focused on the area's cultural history, and also includes a library and archives of local historical documents and genealogical materials.
Conall is not included in any surviving genealogical material, but this is typical for the period.
These mutations within the group can form genetic sub-grouping if confirmed by genealogical material.
Through his good offices the Library in 1912 acquired the Jackson collection, consisting of many original documents and a large amount of genealogical material.