Immacolata claimed that she was the only descendant of the first pure genealogical line of sorcerers, being a direct descendant of Lilith.
The surnames might vary according to strict genealogical lines, but the physical characteristics seemed scattered at random.
In Colombia the "trocha" has evolved, becoming a separate genealogical line.
In writing the work Chauncy paid a team of researchers to gather historical anecdotes and determine genealogical lines for him.
This is his paternal genealogical line:
He and his descendants were of a sub-branch of the genealogical line of Brutus, the dominant line having ended with Porrex I before the civil war.
Sandwiched between two genealogical lines, the passage describing Lamech, son of Methushael, descendant of Cain and his children is fairly substantive:
Each of the six categories crosses genealogical lines.
He belongs to a genealogical line which should never have existed.
Individuals having this surname, are most likely related along the same genealogical line.