According to Vovin, this suggests linguistic convergence rather than divergence, which he believes is amongst the evidence of the languages not having a genealogical connection.
Also, it is used to affirm or disprove a genealogical connection on the direct paternal line.
The Jews were also entitled to seek respectable genealogical connections with the Greeks.
The only genealogical connection either of these tribes has to Jesus is through the Moabite woman Ruth.
The results of another were released in 2012, showing no genealogical connection between Pashtuns and Jews, as follows.
This genetic material can then be used for such purposes as establishing paternity, proving genealogical connections or even unmasking private medical conditions.
It is very unlikely there is any genealogical connection to the Devon families.
The genealogical connection with these other Mordaunts is not clear from the family website.
In biological terms, with species defined by historical and genealogical connection, the most mentally deficient among us is as fully human as Einstein.
Nebaioth's genealogical connection is also mentioned in the Book of Jasher.