And those eight gene regions yield statistically significant data that are incompatible with a total genetic replacement model for nonmodern humans, the researcher concluded.
It was clear that gene dense regions existed.
Researchers may have identified a gene region containing an allele that makes the breed more susceptible to the disease.
Ty5 is one of five endogenous retrotransposons native to the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, all of which target integration to gene poor regions.
This gene is localized in the tumor-suppressor gene region and thus it is a candidate gene for malignancies.
Using techniques that allowed them to examine DNA sequences very rapidly, they examined 14 different gene regions in each of the 25 fungal cultures.
ACSs may occur in non-expressed gene regions which are assumed to be "poised" for transcription.
In addition, the insert size of the D. virilis P1 library (approximately 60-80 kb) was greater than necessary for comparative analysis of single gene regions.
The protein product of this gene region, along with another protein, controls the copy number of the 8.75kB R1162 plasmid.
Nuclease protection assays are used to map introns and 5' and 3' ends of transcribed gene regions.