It is this elision that sometimes brings feminist Lacanians to echo the traditional gendered and even androcentric nature of the psychoanalytic unconscious.
However, in a later book,The Cult of the Fact (1972), Hudson looks much more closely at the gendered nature of the arts and the sciences.
Wajcman is probably best known for her analysis of the gendered nature of technology.
These differing strategies are influenced by power relations in the household, the gendered nature of social life, and women's domestic responsibilities.
The gendered nature of social life leads women to have networks with smaller geographical reach than men.
She attributed this to the gendered nature of social structures in society.
Inspired by American advice manuals, these books often reflected on the gendered nature of society, drawing divisions between the 'masculine' dining room and 'feminine' drawing room.
An important aspect of precarious work is its gendered nature, as women are continuously over-represented in this type of work.
Most published work looks at the origins, growth, diverse typologies, culture, and politics of suburbs, as well as to the gendered and family-oriented nature of suburban space.
The authors explain that girl's pathways to crime are further affected by the gendered nature of society.