For example, use the he/she approach or construct sentences in such a way that gender pronouns are not required.
At the time marriage statutes described marriage as "a civil contract to which the consent of the parties is required" with gender specific pronouns applied to "husband" and "wife".
The other gender pronoun used in the dialogue at I.ii.190-93, when Ariel responds to Prospero saying:
During their writing sessions, Malay noticed Ocean's use of gender pronouns in his lyrics, but attributed it to his poetic license rather than sexuality.
They are seemingly genderless, or at least consider gender pronouns to be in bad taste.
Transsexual people prefer to be referred to by the gender pronouns and terms associated with their target gender.
Many of her lyrics do not specify the gender of their subjects; the word "you" is used rather than a gender pronoun.
Swank received criticism from the family of Brandon Teena for her repeated use of the male gender pronoun "he" in her Oscar acceptance speech.
Cunningham lost most of his gender pronouns to an unforeseen glitch during the work on his temporal lobe.
For example, the Dragaeran language has gender neutral pronouns, which Brust has translated into the generic male, a change that outrages Paarfi during one of their conversations.