Medical Venturers also attend camps that are geared solely towards training.
Another obstacle is the accounting systems that are geared almost solely to recording production with little regard for financial performance.
The new Record World is geared solely to independent artists and labels.
Second, that boys are excluded from nurturing play, and are solely geared towards active and mechanical toys.
This show was geared solely to the show business crowd that the house woos so assiduously.
At that time, European glass programs were geared solely toward industrial production.
His remarks were not geared solely to the poor.
Beginning this year, bonuses for the top 200 executives and managers will no longer be geared solely to financial measures.
This calls for an immediate response in the form of a rational policy and an economic system that is not solely geared towards short-term profit.
The tactics were initially geared solely towards sabotage, but eventually expanded to include urban guerrilla warfare.