They seemed to be gazing directly towards the spot where Penrod lay.
He gave the hound a final pat and straightened, gazing towards the house.
As she gazed intently towards the small group that was her family, a great sadness filled Beth's heart.
The woman had turned from the sight, though, and was gazing towards Horza when he looked round the side of the door.
He put on his glasses and gazed towards the metal bridge an instant.
The hunter said nothing for a moment, but he gazed towards the north where Tailia could be seen as a tiny figure in the distance.
They all gazed towards the opposite hill again, though they couldn't see it, of course, hoping something would happen.
She stood still, with the moonlight shining on her, and gazed towards the Nile.
He gazed towards the window as the phone rang.
Slender, in a light wrapper drawn close, she was gazing towards him.