There's a big push in the media to emphasize that it's not a gay disease but a virus that affects everyone.
"Some people think of AIDS as a gay disease or poor folks' disease," she said.
It was seen as a gay disease or as God's retribution for bad behavior on the part of drug abusers.
It first burst on our consciousnesses as a gay disease and drug-user disease.
The quartet reflect the hopelessness felt as their friends die and the country does little to counteract a "gay" disease.
And at the time, the medical establishment was convinced that AIDS was an exclusively gay disease.
Ten years ago when AIDS was still a gay disease there would have been no problem.
It is no longer just a gay disease.
AIDS was still thought to be a "gay" disease and much of populace was relatively uninformed about the disease.
Because established physicians lacked the time and often the inclination to take on what was known as the gay disease, the field was wide open.