But by originally denying the gay contingent a place, parade organizers elevated what they had dismissed as a logistical issue into a moral and political one.
Just about every demographic group and nationality, with nudists on the less crowded areas and a large gay contingent.
In a written statement released yesterday, the Hibernians charged that the gay contingent had behaved in an "outrageous" manner during last year's parade.
In that way and many others, Ms. Taylor made the bond with a segment of her fan base - in this case a huge gay contingent - a very reciprocal affair.
For instance, the Hibernians have contended that last year, an unofficial gay contingent in the parade engaged in "outrageous behavior and conduct."
South Beach's gay contingent, black hip-hop aficionados and spaghetti-thin model types all turned out to raise the roof with a folksy but not fashionable white woman with little hip in her hop.
In Boston yesterday, where a similar dispute had been resolved with the admission of a limited gay contingent, the St. Patrick's Day parade was held with only minor confrontations.
Mr. Dinkins then chose to march with the gay contingent, rather than in the Mayor's traditional position at the head of the parade.
The Mayor marched alongside the gay contingent, rather than at the head of the parade.