He entered the Park by the first gate and walked along under the gaunt trees.
The clouds above, and the gaunt trees around them had all vanished into the utter darkness.
Through it, hiding and showing, the gaunt trees laced their black boughs overhead.
Beyond, the gaunt trees of Rock Creek Park were visible through the window.
Elsewhere, though, the land bore life, shrubs, cactus, gaunt trees, all growing widely apart in alkaline dust.
Such a flare showed him trees leaning, gaunt and sinister, magnified by the lurid light before they were swallowed in the darkness.
She stopped for a moment to lean against a gaunt and bare tree.
The rushing water, the pitted snow, the gaunt trees; he could see them all, in a grey dead light like dawn.
Whenever they talked their voices echoed spectrally around the gaunt trees.
A rather gaunt and heavily branched tree, the trunk measures 116 cm in diameter.