On her way back a small group of people had gathered outside her house, and coming closer she noticed that her home was filled with light.
Suddenly troops gather outside his house only to die by his hands.
The only people actively looking for him were the cops, the armed psychos and the bampots who'd gathered outside his house.
Once, when loud protesters gathered outside his house on Hanukkah, he broke the window on a protester's van with a baseball bat.
On Luisa's birthday, the villagers have gathered outside her house to serenade her.
By the dozens, residents gathered outside the Golubs' house, shouting insults and taunts and pursuing one of the two sons as he went to the supermarket.
A jeering crowd gathered outside his house as he was led out to police vans with a blanket over his head.
Instead, hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children, gathered outside Baroud's house.
Late in the afternoon, the men gathered outside the men's house, the larger of the two rectangular buildings in the center.
The white youths were gathered outside Miss Feliciano's house, waiting to see who might visit her.