I gathered early on that the first of those men was a "drifter."
After several weeks of unrest throughout the country, over 15,000 people gathered early in the afternoon to protest the results of the 2005 parliamentary elections.
When farmers gathered early in the morning, they drank one drink of alcohol with Seacham.
It appeared to be the place where locals gathered early for coffee and conversation, even on rainy Sunday mornings.
"The jury would gather early," says the Fox, still bartending after all these years in a far different, far brighter tavern world.
Five thousand people gathered early in the morning, but the trains were not sufficient to accommodate them.
You, the juror, will gather early on that Carol is the victim, which makes the play not so much a whodunit as a why dunit.
Some people start gathering early.
People will be gathering early, and I'd really like you to show them what you can do.
Word had spread throughout the dale, and folk began to gather early by the banks of the Ashaba.