Even less certain are the prospects for a new gateway community, called Canyon Forest Village, that was to be built near Tusayan, south of the park.
We're proud we're a gateway community.
"Sure, this is a gateway community, but I've always seen it as an intellectual gateway."
Federal officials began contemplating the need for an expanded gateway community at the canyon's busiest entrance more than a decade ago.
Adams Morgan, together with the nearby Mount Pleasant and Columbia Heights, serve as a gateway community for immigrants.
The smaller town of Tofte is another gateway community.
The Reserve headquarters is located in the gateway community of Almo.
In addition, after the Vietnam War, Salishan also became an important gateway community for new Americans.
It is a gateway community, in that it services the local winter sport ski hill (Devil's Elbow) several kilometers north of the village.
Those gateway communities at Yellowstone are seeking the use of snowmobiles.