If the gate is still holding when the Kinswomen get you there, make sure it continues to hold.
If, by some miracle, the gate is holding, you're talking better than two to one odds against us.
If the gate is holding, we'll have them trapped between us and the wall.
Rocks crashed into the Augusteana and carried away the roof, but the main gate, which was the important thing, held fast.
The gate's locking bar had been struck plumb, but the gate still held.
The impact of the heavy tree trunk ram, with its iron cap, shook the walls, but the gate held.
None noticed the small gate held partially ajar, or the woman on the other side, silent, calm, and determined.
Finally they came to a spot which was a bit lower than the gate and offered good toe holds.
"After so many years," he whispered, "the gate still holds me back."
Although the front of his truck suffered damage, the gate held.