For example, a diet rich in whole-grain foods is associated with lower risk for several chronic diseases and conditions including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and gastrointestinal troubles.
Neurontin causes sleepiness, and soy extracts can produce gastrointestinal troubles.
Woodward took his inspiration from the manner in which malaria as well as "fen fever" was being treated and noted that the formula used to treat fen fever was also an effective "soother of fretful babies and provided relief from gastrointestinal troubles in infants."
If you're having issues with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal trouble, it may be particularly wise to save the thong for another day.
And remember that extended use of high dosages of aspirin or NSAIDs may cause gastrointestinal troubles.
Though he hated to bother a man afflicted with the sort of nasty gastrointestinal trouble that had sidelined Malcolm-especially at such a late hour-he pressed on.
No surprise there; it can be a bewildering disease, sometimes easily confused with other gastrointestinal troubles.