After successfully remodeling the station into a convenience store and operating it for nine years, his gasoline supplier and friend, Kurvin C. (K.C.) Fish, suggested that he purchase the Square Deal Oil Company, a service station available for sale in Boone, Iowa.
Total Fina Elf S.A., Belgium's leading gasoline supplier, said it was able to deliver only about 20 percent of the gasoline its customers needed.
The dealer, Jim Klun, dropped his prices Thursday after Marathon Petroleum, the company that supplies his gasoline, admitted through a distributor Wednesday that it had increased prices too much in the confusion that has gripped gasoline suppliers and retailers all over the country since Monday's storm.
In 1971 he was filing for divorce and fighting with his ex-wife over custody of his son and namesake, Frederick Jr., and needed $3,000 to pay off the gasoline supplier of his automotive center.
Next, Mr. Friendly convinces the gasoline supplier not to deliver supplies to June's station.
Major gasoline suppliers to Iran historically have been India, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, the Netherlands, France, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates.
Ms. Ragona said that while gasoline suppliers basically set the price, there was a free market, based on supply and demand, and that consumers could have an impact by "shopping around for the best deal."
Under the new decision, State Oil v. Khan, No. 96-871, which began as a dispute between a gasoline supplier and a retail dealer, the legality of price ceilings will be based on a case-by-case analysis of the effect on competition.
When a gasoline supplier refused to renew a contract in 1971, he bought the old refinery here, 1,300 miles from home, for $2.1 million because owning it gave him a sense of security.
In addition to their sponsorship deal with NASCAR, Sunoco also has exclusive deals as the gasoline supplier at the travel plazas along the Pennsylvania Turnpike, New Jersey Turnpike, Atlantic City Expressway, Palisades Parkway, and Delaware Turnpike.