Many of these additions were made to expand Quanta's business in gas transmission and cable television.
Fluxys is the main operator in natural gas transmission.
CMS Enterprises' primary businesses are independent power production and natural gas transmission.
It operates natural gas transmission and distribution networks throughout Australia.
This left a large gap for monopolistic business practices to occur in natural gas transmission.
Pending sale, the lines were leased and used for natural gas transmission.
Congress is currently sifting through various proposals to improve regulation of natural gas transmission and distribution lines.
Three weeks ago, it began Services Inc., a natural gas transmission and distribution company with revenues exceeding $150 million.
Occidental's operating income from natural gas transmission was up, to $34 million, from $9 million in the third quarter of last year.
Operating income fell 20.7 percent, to $242 million, from $305 million, with declines in chemicals, natural gas transmission and beef processing.