There, in a market glutted with pipeline capacity, the company is California's largest natural gas supplier.
Natural gas suppliers do it, knowing that their profits will dip if the winter is mild.
"So it makes sense to work with industrial gas suppliers as though they were power generators."
Even the gas suppliers don't agree on the cost differences between the two fuels.
(Listed as many different names depending on the gas supplier).
I want to stress that it is in Russia's interests to be seen as an internationally credible and reliable gas supplier.
There is also a lack of solidarity in contacts with external oil and gas suppliers.
Continuing disputes with gas suppliers and the politicisation of energy resources do not increase trust.
Since April this year gas suppliers have been free to compete, to offer their service to all consumers.
The company began advertising for the first time last month on radio and in newspapers, urging customers to rethink their natural gas supplier.