Noncondensible gases exiting the condenser are normally treated by a vapor-phase activated carbon treatment system.
The gas exiting the stinger has had too much resident time and mixing with gas from other cycles causing errors in analysis.
In many modern high-efficiency centrifugal compressors the gas exiting the impeller is traveling near the speed of sound.
Dale Jarrett was leading the race at the time when he began running out of gas exiting turn 1.
The gas exiting the boiler is laden with fly ash, which are tiny spherical ash particles.
Modern furnaces are highly efficient, including Cowper stoves to pre-heat the blast air and employ recovery systems to extract the heat from the hot gases exiting the furnace.
This prevents gas exiting from the rear of the chamber, and it has also been experimentally shown to provide a significant amount of support to the bolt.
Shock diamonds form when the supersonic exhaust from a nozzle is slightly over or under-expanded, meaning that the pressure of the gases exiting the nozzle is different from the ambient air pressure.
Gas turbine engines (e.g. turbojets, turbofans, etc.) incorporate turbines, which are exposed to the hot gases exiting the combustion chamber.
There is some dilution of the products, which makes it more difficult to condense and then remove the bio-oil mist from the gas exiting the condensers.