Adequate porosity is necessary not just to allow the penetration of water but also to allow gases to diffuse in and out.
The gas quickly and silently diffused over the ground and, in the end, killed, by some estimates, upwards to 5,000 people and injured 50,000 more.
In this Section we will calculate the entropy of mixing when two ideal gases diffuse into each other.
This allows gases to diffuse, or move across, the surface of the alveolus.
There is a system of internal tubes and sacs through which gases diffuse or are actively pumped.
But the gas had already diffused throughout the dome.
Below this, the bubbles are not yet sealed but gases only diffuse slowly, resulting in a stagnant gas column.
Graham found that light gases diffuse through porous surfaces more rapidly than heavy gases.
Because of the rapid motion of its molecules, a gas will diffuse, or spread uniformly.
Inert gas can diffuse into bubble nuclei between tissues.