Not that Moscow was even going to accept this promise; it actually went through with a 15pc reduction in gas deliveries.
But the pipeline for gas deliveries runs through Slovakia, and some workers were wondering today whether this could leave their company vulnerable.
Russian members of the United Nations sanctions committee held up gas delivery for nearly a month.
The provision says the customer should pay for scheduled gas deliveries, even if it has not been ordered.
Estimates showed that gas delivery to Toronto would cost $2.48 per thousand cubic metres.
Iran financed 90% of construction costs, which was later paid back by gas deliveries.
First gas delivery took place on 31-March-2013 after four years of development works.
Enron's collapse meant an abrupt halt of natural gas deliveries to several utilities around Germany.
Russia must give evidence of acting in good faith and do everything in its power to see that gas delivery resumes without delay.
In disputes Russia has stopped gas delivery in 2006 and 2008.