Both are painted in garish reds and blues, and their expressions look equally dismayed.
The two servants, dressed in a garish red, were the only glaring luxuries in a room made up entirely of wood.
Fashionable rose-pinks and muted blue dresses had given way to garish reds, bright yellows topped with sailor hats or boaters with matching ribbons.
Jack feared that she might be colour blind because of the green lipstick she sometimes wore, although usually it was a garish, aggressive red.
Gone are the garish red, orange and green stripes wrapping the top of the store.
The green plains were tinted a garish red by the setting sun.
Every stepped level was lush with desert and veldt vegetation, abloom in garish reds and oranges against their waxy green skins.
He rose from her supine body, sometimes painted a garish red to simulate hideous wounds, with a shamefaced look which barred any intimacies.
Its final offering was a reissue of the XZ-35 with a garish red, white, blue and yellow color scheme, dubbed the Zooka.
Josh figured she was in her mid-to-late sixties, though her curly, swept-back hair was dyed garish red.