Trying to cheer them, he made a bawdy jest about Elizabeth's garish clothes.
All the other menhir makers are now wearing garish clothes and he is demoralised.
During the first season, Ray often wore loud, garish clothes and was criticised by his colleagues for his wardrobe.
Presumably, he meant a man in his 20's with facial piercings and a taste for garish clothes.
It goes for what parents won't buy their kids: cigarettes, booze, garish clothes, videos and, yes, in too many cases, guns.
"Is the kid you're looking for about four-eight, dark reddish hair, garish clothes?"
Few players on the Mets draw as much attention to themselves off the field as Bell, whose garish clothes and jewelry suggest self-promotion.
He was a big fellow, run to fat, with expensive but garish clothes.
Dundas get some clothes for me - garish clothes.