Nor did Robinson's 'wild' approach refer to letting gardens return back to their natural state-he taught a specific gardening method and aesthetic.
The practice combines concepts from other organic gardening methods, including a strong focus on compost, densely planted raised beds and biointensive attention to a small, clearly defined area.
The school has a large greenhouse, on the west side, which serves as a living classroom for four-season, organic gardening methods and environmental science.
People employ organic gardening methods for a variety of reasons, proponents say.
Some regional late-prehistoric Eastern Woodland tribes were more involved in hunting and fishing, practicing the slash and burn Eastern Agricultural Complex gardening method.
We'll help your spring planting by giving you the gardening methods you need.
She was almost always busy in her garden, which was immaculately kept and extremely pretty, though Miss Mildred knew little or nothing about gardening methods, or even about plants.
Gardeners must use organic gardening methods.
If a gardener continued to use chemical pesticides, the village could "discuss alternative gardening methods with him," he said, but officials would not impose fines.
For information on organic gardening methods, see p 334.