The gardeners in question must think they have a clear hand to do whatever it is they plan to do.
In fact, some gardeners think the ground-temperature threshold is 64 degrees.
But increased environmental awareness, a good thing, is making most gardeners think twice about the use of any chemical on their grounds.
Many gardeners think this was caused by spring weather and they forget that the plants were damaged last winter.
The willow tree is so tall now that the gardeners think there must be a river coursing through the ground below.
Sometimes gardeners think they have a skunk in the yard.
Some gardeners think that the beetle population is not as bad as it used to be.
Our gardener, who has lived here all her life, thought she might possibly have heard of it but wasn't really sure.
JUST when gardeners thought they were in control, nature showed them up.
If gardeners think of trees only as pretty assets to the community, they can think again.