For years, home gardeners as well as nurserymen have relied on hardiness maps that divide this country into zones.
Many a farmer or gardener relies on them, with some reason.
Must gardeners always rely on these plants?
More commonly, gardeners rely on tulip bulbs producing offsets: baby bulbs that grow out of the mother bulb.
Many gardeners rely on chemical insecticides to eliminate the harmful insects competing for their crops.
In colder climates, gardeners rely on this durable shrubby ornamental for hedges, screens and a few may even plant it for specimen display in the lawn.
Though many experienced gardeners rely on perennials, which come back year after year, he said he used almost all annuals, in effect planting a new garden every spring.
If spraying does prove to be necessary to bring down an overwhelming insect pest population, many gardeners have relied on the popular Safer products, derived from fatty acids.
Or, of course, homeowners and gardeners can rely on mushrooms sold at the produce stores, which are stocking more varieties these days.
Many gardeners rely on a particular choice and report that "it really works."