They can be poked into the ground now while the gardener is making the rounds.
The gardener narrowed long, grey-blue eyes and made never a move.
A drill is the name for the hole gardeners make when they plant seeds in a row.
Essential to anyone with a lawn, this is the single largest investment most gardeners make in equipment.
Beginning salaries are about $300 a month, only a bit more than a gardener makes.
All gardeners make mistakes, and among my worst was the Oriental bittersweet.
A side door was opened, and the gardener, a tall, dry fellow, made his appearance, cap in hand.
In the days when diplomacy was something more than a solemn pretense, what a member of Congress that gardener would have made!
The gardener made no move, but the panthers and huge bird suddenly launched themselves across the meadow.
And since their essential need to be with nature remains otherwise elusive, the gardeners will make what peace they can.