Many gardeners choose to grow hoyas just as foliage plants because their flowering is considered a rare event.
Of course, cultivars which gardeners choose, may have a bit fancier presence.
Marigolds, in their own special way, have a scent, too, but many gardeners would not choose it.
THE great thing about putting a garden to bed is that gardeners can choose to do very little or keep on going as if it were spring.
Of all the birds a gardener could choose to attract, the bluebird is the quintessential helpful garden bird.
While some indoor gardeners choose only green plants for terrariums, a few flowers can provide a nice accent.
When seeding meadow plantings, gardeners must choose seed mixtures designated for their special areas.
That is an advantage over leeks, where the gardener must choose between pleasures of the stomach and the eye.
One gardener chooses simply to grow grass in his 4-foot-square plot and sit there in a folding chair during warm weather.
These pumpkins are so huge and take up so much space that few gardeners choose to plant the vines.