On the next morning the gardener brought a note containing the information which the doctor had promised to give me on the previous day.
It's true that begonias have fleshy stems and will rot away if overwatered, but I suspect that many gardeners bring on the malady by interplanting begonias with impatiens, which require lots of water.
If the shellfish beds off their docks are closed due to high bacteria levels, Mr. Tetrault said, the gardeners can eventually bring the shellfish back to Cedar Beach Creek to depurate.
He worked as a gardener and every day brought half his food to the horse.
After the gardener brought bulbs home, a local florist began growing and showing the plants, and soon the lily was a hit at flower shows around the country.
The princess was cured when a gardener brought her a cloud made out of cotton wool, because she thought in reality that was what clouds were.
A gardener brings in flowers.
"Our gardeners bring a personal interest and passion for plants to their work," said Bill McLaughlin, curator of plants.
At harvest time, he said, he has seen gardeners bring in beds so they can stay overnight.
Besides planting shrubs, flowers, and sometimes grass, the gardener will bring into play the creativity that goes into decorating a yard unconsciously, with the result being a folk art display.