The other two-thirds must be interpolated with a demosaicing algorithm to 'fill in the gaps', resulting in a much lower effective resolution.
In case there is a gap resulting on all cards on the column leaving it, it is immediately filled by a new set of four cards.
Effectiveness of the insulation of a building envelope can be compromised by gaps resulting from shrinkage of individual panels.
The surface records have many gaps and inconsistencies resulting from changing methods of measurement.
Balloon plants grow in the gaps resulting.
While instinct and even luck had sometimes aided him by filling in the gaps resulting from such an approach, Marcus knew that it was not the wisest manner in which to resolve an issue.
Consequently, there is the potential for models to misinterpret these spatial and temporal gaps resulting in derived source/sink scenarios that are unduly influenced by the sampling distribution.
Old-growth forests tend to have more large trees and standing dead trees, multi-layered canopies with gaps resulting from the deaths of individual trees, and coarse woody debris on the forest floor.
Furthermore, setting CO2 emission standards for new light commercial vehicles is necessary to prevent a risk of regulatory gap resulting from a degree of overlap between the registrations for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.
No plausible array of matching spending cuts or offsetting revenue increases has been, or will be, proposed to close the gap resulting from a large new tax cut.