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Both boys recovered from their wounds in the attack, which the Hempstead police said later was the third gang-related shooting that the girl had seen.
A gang-related shooting in Huntington Station brought them back to the streets working with some of their gang informants.
The newspaper reported seven gang-related shootings in the past week - more than enough to keep the police hopping.
If a gang-related shooting was known to be in the works, Murray told Camby to stay home.
His brother has been killed in a gang-related drive-by shooting.
At age 13, he was arrested in conjunction with a gang-related shooting that took place in broad daylight.
Ms. Dow called it a gang-related shooting and said the man's injuries were not life-threatening.
In early 2009, a series of gang-related shootings occurred due to what police describe as a gang war in Vancouver.
However, Estrada's junior amateur career ended abruptly after his brother was killed in a gang-related shooting.
In 1990, a gang-related shooting killed one man and wounded six others outside a nightclub near Chinatown.