Mr. Lopez had gang tattoos and was identified in police records as an active gang member, officials said.
When they were alone, Parradan Smith gestured awkwardly with one hand at the gang tattoo on his chest.
Gangs in London also use handsigns and gang tattoos to denote gang membership.
Their gang tattoo is a pattern of seven stars on their chest.
Their gang tattoo is of two dragons curling over each other; it is worn on the bearer's upper arm.
Numerous people, especially young men in long hair, baggy pants and gang tattoos, have been stopped and frisked.
Young men with gang tattoos and blue bandanas idle in front of stores, eyeing all who pass.
"They said I couldn't make it with these," he shouted to a friend, referring to the gang tattoos that cover his hands, chest and neck.
His arms are scarred with gang tattoos from around the time he joined the Vice Lords street gang at 11 or 12.
He had gang tattoos, but Barr didn't recognize them.