Turning her head, she was able then to gauge the speed at which the gang moved.
By the 1990s, after the end of apartheid, many gangs moved into the building and it became extremely unsafe.
Ultimately, she said, gangs might "move to another neighborhood" but "they will continue to do the same thing."
Then the gang moved the car to the castle.
And once the security forces deployed in the streets, the gangs moved indoors.
But the gang had already moved on to another pub just a mile or so down the road.
After two or three days in one town, the gang typically moved into a different city, investigators said.
I slapped her back, knew it for a mistake as her gang moved in on me.
Q. Is there any information that gangs are moving into the suburbs?
What is the image we're sending to the world if we allow gangs to move a school?