The gang committed a series of major daylight robberies during 1930 and 1931, but several minor and one-time members were killed.
Police have yet to describe a motive for the attacks, but say they are investigating whether the same gang committed earlier acts of terror in Johannesburg.
In each, gangs of young men committed heinous assaults and robberies for apparently little reason other than the excitement of an attack.
"The gangs should not commit their horrible crimes."
The gang committed many burglaries and made large amounts of money.
After his gang commit a robbery, Max suddenly reappears and subdues them for arrest.
The gang committed multiple murders, and drew the attention of authorities, who were able to persuade fifteen witnesses to testify.
The measure responds to a growing awareness that gangs are committing a greater percentage of crimes every year.
They sound like a gang of berserk chainsaws committing murder.
That gang committed a lot of residential burglaries in the general area where Fox's parents lived.