A few months earlier, I had seen him rescue two white youths from a black gang attack after a high school track meet.
It was the fourth official, or semiofficial, version of the gang attack on the jogger.
David and the gang attack, and are each killed.
Not the time or the place to expect a violent gang attack on a pensioner.
It is not wise for me to join in a gang attack.
I remember picking up a discarded newspaper and reading about a vicious gang attack on two young men, one of whom managed to escape.
He had taken no real notice of the first gang attack at Satruff's.
A few days later at school "Kobran" and his gang attack Simon.
At the same time, she said, Kenny felt intensely angry about the gang attack.
By gang attack, he had felt sure, he could become the last of the Chittendens.