At the present time, Macau does not license online gaming operations.
The Chumash tribe, who has seen success as a result of their gaming operations, planned to expand its current facilities but have recently scaled back.
Tribal gaming operations have not been without controversy, however.
Undeterred, several other tribes are planning to open virtual gaming operations.
So while the Arapaho have some small gaming operations, they have settled on tourism as the most likely vehicle to generate jobs.
With the investment of the new president Andreas Rudolph in 2005, the club was able to focus again on the gaming operation.
There is strong opposition, however, to any legislative "fix" from elected officials in states with existing Indian gaming operations and tribes recognized prior to 1934.
Over 220 tribes in 29 states currently conduct 350 Indian gaming operations.
More than 100 legal gaming operations, most on reservations, are already bringing in nearly $500 million a year.
That he stood to gain directly during the construction phase of the big gaming operation shaded his views considerably.