But any game theorist will tell you that the big gap in running and passing success rates means that coaches are doing something wrong.
Wall street hired the brightest mathematicians, economists, game theorists etc. for this project.
Stephen Morris is an economic theorist and game theorist especially known for his research in the field of global games.
In defining n-player games, game theorists usually provide a definition that allow for any (finite) number of players.
Conversely, game theorists have modeled behavior under negative externalities where choosing the same action creates a cost rather than a benefit.
The game theorist can use knowledge of the overall problem to limit the strategy spaces, and ease the solution.
Ever since, game theorists' attitude towards mixed strategies-based results have been ambivalent.
First, it is criticized because the assumptions made by game theorists are often violated.
Some game theorists have turned to evolutionary game theory in order to resolve these issues.
If the scramblers follow the rules that a few generations of game theorists have laid out for them, they won't be back.