A game can refer to two things.
Although the game refers to it as Jennifer's health, the color of the background where her face is shown changes to represent her current fear level.
Rather, big game refers to large, wild animals that are hunted for sport, and the catalog depends upon where you're hunting.
They stressed the game should have been longer and therefore referred to it as a "brief but fun adventure that just about anyone can enjoy."
Bargaining games refer to situations where two or more players must reach agreement regarding how to distribute an object or monetary amount.
A position is merely a state of the board, while a game usually refers to the way a terminal position is obtained.
All creatures (in the game referred to as "summons") are represented by pawns.
"Put-up job" or "fixed game", referring to a bout with a predetermined outcome.
The game also refers to other pieces of fiction, including Robin Hood.
Infocom often released their games with merchandise referred to as feelies.