Every time players make an in game purchase, 5% of the purchase goes to charity.
For a monthly fee, it offers them ownership of 1 game of their choice per month at no additional fee and $5.00 off each game purchase.
It comes with four pre-installed scenarios, three of which are only available after game purchase.
As of 2009 more than 90% of casual game purchases in Russia are made with the use of SMS payment.
This and the cost factor are the biggest reasons I don't even try to stay current with my game purchases.
At launch, the game required a game purchase and a recurring monthly fee.
Still, the very idea of any kind of limit seems to gall many gamers, who believe this system turns their game purchases into glorified rentals.
This is the first Robot Unicorn Attack that includes in game purchases, in the form of buying credits to upgrade your Unicorn and additional sound-packs.
Even better: since many of these games are ridiculously cheap, one $20 gift card can mean multiple game purchases.
The proposed legislation would require an ID check for M- and AO-rated game purchases.