With many players complaining about their decreased buying power due to the inflation, the game operators decided to eliminate hundreds of such players.
A policeman finally stepped in and asked the game operator to hoop a duck.
Other game operators would then look for these chalk marks and entice the individual to also play their rigged game.
The game operator has slipped it into a niche in a covered bridge on the waterway traveled by the ducks.
While the majority of game operators run honest games, some people are wary of carnival games.
Some games may be rigged to play honestly or dishonestly and can be switched by the game operator.
By rigging the game, the game operators can vastly increase the money they take in.
However, there are still some dishonest game operators.
If successful, the game operator would hand them the gnome, which had their next clue on the bottom of its base.
The game operator will actively encourage you to continue playing and may say that you are bound to win.