Mara needed $4,000 a game to cover his own outlays and $2,000 to $6,000, depending on the team, to pay the visitors to break even.
He does not expect to be able to get the games covered on live television in Europe, though.
The game covers a variety of subjects and requires each player to come up with a word or phrase beginning with a particular letter.
The games will cover spin-off stories about the characters of Attack on Titan.
The game covers 23 stages, which can be replayed for a higher score.
The games cover a variety of genres, although the most common are vertical space shooters and platformers.
The game features 39 established and breakthrough artists from 15 countries and covers a variety of music genres.
Their games cover a wide variety of genres and demographics.
The game also covers things not shown in the film.
Predictive games cover a wide variety of topics with thousands of questions to choose from.