Aside from the numerous Transavanguardia- group-exhibitions, he had solo shows in galleries, museums and cultural sites all over the world.
The movement reached its zenith in the mid-60's, when people talked of a Greenberg school and the artists' abstractions increasingly pre-empted space in galleries, museums and art magazines.
But while crafts-hopping through galleries, shops, museums and art centers in almost any large city in the United States, one fact remains constant: the field is greatly diverse.
Abend has exhibited in numerous galleries, museums and art events around the world, some of which are:
We go for the very high end of contemporary crafts by prize-winning artists who are well established in galleries, museums and private collections.
Economic revitalization through the reuse of existing older buildings as galleries, museums and performance spaces already has a proven track record.
Sharon Louden has exhibited her animations in galleries, museums and film festivals across the country since 2006.
Since beginning her artistic career in the early 1960s, she has exhibited in galleries, museums, and art fairs throughout the US, Europe, Asia, and South America.
But will these young legal machines herding in and out of galleries, museums and concert halls turn into a new generation of arts patrons?
At Smithsonian, All the Answers Lost and bewildered by the profusion of galleries, museums and historic buildings on the capital's 146-acre National Mall?