He served through the later campaigns of Napoleon, 1809-1814, and was promoted to major in 1814 for gallant conduct.
For gallant conduct on this occasion he received a commission as brevet colonel.
For his gallant conduct he was thanked by Congress.
Both the troops and Colonel Trader were cited for gallant conduct during the battle.
He died 5 days later and was honored by being appointed acting master after his death "for gallant conduct in face of the enemy."
His gallant conduct won him within a year the offer of a commission, which he declined on account of poverty.
For its gallant conduct during the war, it was made a "Royal" battalion in 1921.
They received their first army citation for gallant conduct during the battle of Mametz in December 1914.
For his gallant conduct he was knighted by Elizabeth.
For gallant conduct during the Mexican War, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel.